Ferrino S.p.A is a historic Italian brand established in 1870 in Turin by Cesare Ferrino. It specializes in the production of tents, outdoor gear, and clothing. The company's offerings include a variety of tents and snowshoes. Ferrino's products have undergone extreme testing, including at high altitudes in the Alps. The brand has also provided equipment to several organizations, such as the Department of Civil Protection, the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Emergency, and the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue.
Set of stainless steel cutlery with aluminium handle. With case.
Ultar is the trekking and hiking pole designed for those wanting a tool that can guarantee hardwearing reliability that is built to last, even after frequent, prolonged use. The main characteristics of this item are:
Warm, lightweight glove in softshell, for different types of activity. Protection guaranteed by the outer shell in windproof, water repellent softshell, microfleece lining for increased thermal comfort, maximum versatility thanks to the reinforced palm, adjustable cuff and inserts in conductive material on index finger and thumb for touchscreen device use.
Camping mattress in polyester fabric comprising 23 horizontal tubes. Foot pump included.
Set with spoon, fork and multipurpose knife in stainless steel
Easy-to-handle footwear protection: The light Boulder Gaiter Short is perfect for fast activities – keeping snow and debris outside. The longer version keep the legs dry even in deep mud.
Tikal 40 is the ideal bag for a weekend away or a short business trip.
Comfortable camp bed for use when camping, travelling or at home.
Set of 2 elastic luggage fasteners with metal hooks and safety cap
• Extendible from 60 to 90 cm.
In aluminium with screw cap to open and close the bottle quickly and easily. • Equipped with snaphook.